March 9, 2021
AgencyRental Reimbursement and Towing Coverage
Rental reimbursement and towing and road service coverage is an inexpensive insurance option that can help when you need it most. Help When You Need it Most One of the last things you want to worry about after a car accident is how you’re going to get around without your car or pay for other […]
February 25, 2021
AgencyWhat is the Difference Between a Bonded Business and an Insured Business?
When looking to protect your business, you may find many options—two of which are insurance and bonds. These two are not interchangeable, however, and there are stark differences between bonding your business and insuring your business. It is important to know the difference so that you can protect your business with the right coverage. Bonds […]
January 13, 2021
AgencyShould I Buy Car Insurance Before Buying a Car?
Although limits may change depend on where you live, each state requires you to carry auto insurance to drive legally on the road. But what should you do if you don’t yet have a vehicle? When is the right time to get auto insurance? In general, you need auto insurance by the time you’re ready […]
December 30, 2020
AgencyWhy Maintaining Your Windows is Essential to Home Security
You never know when an accident might happen in your home. That’s why you have homeowners insurance to help you pick up the pieces when something goes wrong. However, your policy will only be able to help you after an accident occurs, and it won’t cover damage that results from normal wear & tear. It’s […]
November 30, 2020
AgencyDo I Have to Pay for an At Fault Claim?
Fault as it refers to car insurance refers to who is considered to be at fault for an accident. If you are at fault for an accident, you may be expected to pay for damages and injuries you have caused to the other people involved. How is Fault Decided? Fault is primarily decided through police […]
October 15, 2020
AgencyHow Much Renters Insurance Do I Need for My Belongings?
When looking for renters insurance, you will want to carefully consider how much coverage you need. Part of renters insurance covers personal belongings, which provides compensation if your personal items are lost or damaged due to fire, lightning, smoke, theft, vandalism and more. How much insurance you need to protect your belongings depends, however. Your insurance limits will […]
September 23, 2020
AgencyHow to Understand Uninsured Motorist Insurance in Texas
Texas law obligates drivers who cause accidents to pay for their own damage and the damage of others involved. Because drivers must meet their obligations to others, the state also requires them to carry auto liability insurance. However, even though it is the law to have car insurance, that doesn’t mean everyone will follow the […]
August 26, 2020
AgencyDoes Motorcycle Insurance Have the Same Coverage as Car Insurance?
Although motorcycles are vastly different from some vehicles, a lot of the insurance needs are the same or similar. Both policy types are designed to cover the driver, passengers, the vehicle and everyone else on the road in case of an accident. Coverages They Share Coverages shared between motorcycle and car insurance policies include: […]
June 22, 2020
AgencyHow Do Surety Bonds Benefit Businesses?
Surety bonds give investors and clients confidence in the financial integrity of your business. Let’s take a closer look at the provisions that surety bonds might provide, and why your company might buy one. Keep reading to find out if your business could take advantage of surety bonds. What Are Surety Bonds? When companies […]
November 11, 2019
AgencyWill A Lapse In Coverage Affect My Rates?
If you let your insurance lapse for any reason, and for any length of time, you are probably going to wind up paying a little more than you’re used to the next time you sign up for a policy. Here’s what you need to know: Your car insurance will be a little more expensive when […]